Upcoming events
Information session
As AuHSR approaches the first anniversary of operation, the Directors wish to provide an update on what the association has accomplished so far this year and what lies ahead for the rest of 2024 and beyond.
For these purposes, an Information Session is to be held on Monday 26th August from 4:30 to 5:30 pm. The Information Session is open to AuHSR Members, Newsletter subscribers and Sydney HSR Mini-Conference attendees.
The Session will provide updates on:
Outcomes from the 2024 Sydney HSR Mini-Conference
Outreach efforts with Federal, state and local governments
Collaboration with the High Speed Rail Authority
AuHSR membership update and year-to-date financial results.
The session will be held via Google Meet video-conference. Registration is required, so please follow this registration link if you wish to attend.
Recent events
AuHSR High Speed Rail Mini-Conference
The Australian High Speed Rail Association Sydney High Speed Rail Mini-Conference was held on Tuesday 25 June at Sydney Masonic Centre.
HSR industry experts, enthusiastic supporters and perennial sceptics gathered a half-day update on what has the potential to be Australia's most transformative public infrastructure investment.
For reports on the conference, see:
our blog post AuHSR Mini Conference - summaries and reflections
and this post on the Fastrack Australia web site - Take-outs from our mini-conference